Jackie O's Brewery

Jackie O's Brewery


    In March 2013, after eighteen months of building and planning, Jackie O’s started a new chapter at our production facility at 25 Campbell Street when we began packaging beers into kegs. Two months later we fired up the line and canned Firefly Amber and Chomolungma, and the rest has been history in the making. We partnered with Cavalier distributing in August of 2013, around the same time we started canning Mystic Mama, and were able to start off 2014 with the addition of Hop Ryot cans. In February of 2015, we released Razz Wheat, just in time for Valentine’s Day!  Our production facility provides the Jackie O’s team the room to play and think big- hence our arsenal of barrels! From rum and bourbon, to sherry and tequila barrels, we’ve been skillfully aging specialty beers since 2013. Bourbon barrel beers are packaged into 375 mL bottles, along side their non-barrel aged counterparts.